Mailbird Blog

Write For Us: Mailbird’s Guest Writing Guidelines

Write For Us: Mailbird’s Guest Writing Guidelines
Write For Us: Mailbird’s Guest Writing Guidelines

If you read this document, this means that you want to publish a guest post on our blog.

First of all, thank you for your interest. Our blog has over 400,000 monthly visits and we are always looking for great contributors. We hope that our cooperation will be productive and beneficial for both parties.

Please take some time to read this guideline to make sure your article will correspond to our requirements and expectations.

About Mailbird

Mailbird is an award-winning email client for Windows that unifies all your email accounts from many different providers into one place. It’s smart, easy, and provides businesses and professionals with one tool to check and manage emails, improve productivity, collaboration, and communication.

Mailbird is not an email marketing software (like Mailchimp or Getresponse) but an email management software (like Outlook or Thunderbird, but much better, because it unites all your email accounts from all providers in the same nice interface).

Here you will find all the product and marketing information about Mailbird that you might need while creating the article.

Guest Posting Requirements

First of all, each and every article we may publish on our blog must be:

  • Interesting to read. You start reading the first couple of words and you don’t stop until you get to the end.
  • Useful. It’s not just a set of abstract thoughts, but a data-driven piece, applicable in the situation described.
  • Unique. Please don’t just repeat what other people say on their blogs, but try to find your own angle and expertise to highlight the topic. And of course, it should be plagiarism-free.
  • Relevant. Please make sure that what you are going to describe is highly relevant to one of the topics we cover on our blog.
  • Well-formatted. The article should be divided into chapters and abstracts that are not too long, and contain lists, images, tables, and other elements that may improve the reading experience.

Here are some article formats we highly appreciate, but also, feel free to offer your own if you have an idea of what may be interesting to our audience:

  • How-to guides.
  • Analytics and research.
  • Expert interviews.
  • Experiments and case studies.
  • Best practices, tips, and professional advice.

Unfortunately, your post may be declined if it is:

  • Irrelevant to our target audiences, topics, or product. To avoid that, make sure to learn the information about Mailbird carefully.
  • Inaccurate with style and grammar, boring, or inconsistent.
  • Containing wrong or misleading information.
  • Plagiarism or just banal, containing nothing new to our readers.
  • Advertising your services or products too much.
  • Contradictory to our principles or international laws.

How to Create an Article that Will Be Accepted

1. Make Sure the Topic Is Not Yet Covered on Our Blog

To do that, you can just perform a Google search for " + {your topic}" and check if there are any pages already existing.

For example: + inbox zero. If your topic is already covered like this one, you may think about other ideas.

2. Research the Topic Deeply and Check Facts

Regardless of the topic you choose and the article creation method you use, please always google the topic to:

  • Check facts and make sure you didn’t make any mistakes.
  • Make sure your piece is created in the right format and corresponds to the search intent.
  • Enrich your article with more facts and proofs.

3. Format Your Document Correctly

Here are some guidelines:

  1. Word count: 1,700 — 2,200 words average.
  2. File format: Google Doc (please don’t send us MS Word files).
  3. Fonts and headings:
    • Text: Arial 11, style: "Normal text"
Text: Arial 11, style: Normal text
Text: Arial 11, style: Normal text
  1. Titles and headings:
    • Title style: "Heading 1".
Title style: Heading 1
Title style: Heading 1
  • Headings: "Heading 2", "Heading 3".
Headings: Heading 2, Heading 3.
Headings: Heading 2, Heading 3.
  1. Lists are formatted as "Numbered list" or "Bulleted list" in the Google Docs style.
Lists are formatted as Numbered list or Bulleted list in the Google Docs style.
Lists are formatted as Numbered list or Bulleted list in the Google Docs style.
  1. Long dashes are written as "—" (not "-" or "–") and are separated with spaces from both sides.
  2. There is a (one) empty row between:
    • abstracts
    • and/or images.

Please view the sample formatting here

4. Images

Your article should include images to illustrate the content. They should be:

  • Informative. Each image should add up value.
  • Distributed evenly through the text.
  • Not stock. You may use one or two stock images only if they perfectly illustrate what you say.
  • High-quality. No less than 800×600 px, not blurry.

If you use images from stocks or third-party websites, please comment on each one with a source link.

5. Tone of Voice

  • Professional, but friendly and easy to read and understand
  • Personal (all that we do, we do personally for you)

Imagine you have a guest who is your colleague or an older friend. It’s not a pal (you don’t use jargon in conversation with them), but a person whom you like and respect deeply. They came to ask for advice, and you want to explain what you know in the most honest, friendly, clear, and understandable way, in an informal atmosphere over a cup of coffee.

6. Grammar

Your piece should be grammatically correct and should not require additional proofreading.

7. Promotion

We understand you want to promote your products or services, but we don’t accept salesy posts containing too much promo. To make it correspond to our style, you may do the following:

  • Place 1 link to your website that will be "dofollow".
    • Other links to your site may be marked as "nofollow".
    • If you want to discuss opportunities to collaborate and promote your content, we’re always open to new content partnerships.
  • Mention your services according to the tone of voice described. Be respectful and don’t push a reader with intrusive messages and CTAs. Be natural.


Please view these articles as examples of what we expect to receive: 

The Process

Here’s what our cooperation will look like:

  1. We approve the topic and approximate deadlines.
  2. You send us the draft with a detailed structure like this one. Please check the example.
  3. We review it and possibly add suggestions for improvement. If there is a lot to improve, an additional review may be required.
  4. Then you create an article and send it to us. For now, no proofreading is required, because we may also provide you with comments and suggestions.
  5. After the text is approved, you polish the text and do proofreading.
  6. You send us:
    • The article
    • Link to your website.
    • Your short bio in 2 or 3 sentences.
    • Links to your Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn.
    • The email address linked to your Gravatar account.
  7. And finally, after we publish the post (normally, it takes up to 4 working days), we ask that you promote it. Please send us the links after you do, and we will also do our part of the promotion.

Thank you for your interest, and we hope for productive cooperation!