Work & Life Balance at Mailbird in 2023
As a business with several women in leadership, we take pride in offering a remote career to people globally, to families of all shapes and sizes.
We recognize that like motherhood, finding and landing the job of your dreams is a huge life event. So, we sat down with our CEO Andrea, Marketing Manager Christin and our HR Manager Rebeca to discuss the work-life balance at Mailbird.
These women have so much dedication and determination for what they do. We wanted to know how they are doing and what they are discovering about themselves.
What Do You Love Most About Being a Mom?
Andrea: Being able to teach, support and love an extension of yourself and your family. It feels great to have this higher purpose above oneself and in the larger scheme of things, contributing to building a great future generation that will carry the world forward in the most positive and impactful way.
Christin: Being able to watch something so small and vulnerable growing into an independent, amazing human being. Also, (I know this sounds very cliché) learning to love someone so much and having someone to love you so unconditionally is just a very wonderful and new experience.
Rebeca: I love that it makes me want to be a better human being. There are no empty spaces in my heart, my kids complete me.
What Is the Biggest Challenge About Being a Working Mom?
Rebeca: Well, working for me is easy in the way that I know what to do, but being a Mom is super challenging, there is NO real book with the right answers. I think the biggest challenge is time, we want to be successful at work but also, we want to be successful mothers, and those are very time-consuming jobs.
We have to be constantly reminding ourselves that we need to prioritize. I think it is important to have a very open relationship with your kids. My boys feel free to tell me if I am working too much and they do.
How Does Working At Mailbird Support Your Life As a Working Mom?
Christin: The entire team is super understanding and patient. As much as I am trying to plan out the days, there can always be an unexpected situation with a baby. It has not been a problem at Mailbird, mainly because working remotely has taught us how to work even if other people are not (physically) available.
Mailbird supports me being a mom and still pursuing my career. I don't get the feeling that I have to choose one or the other. As long as I plan out and communicate what I'm making time for, the Mailbird team will be and has been super supportive.
I understand, not every parent has the freedom and option to freely create their own schedule, which is one of the many reasons why I really enjoy working for a fully remote company.
What Advice Would You Give to Future Working Moms?
Andrea: Know that you have a choice and that you can choose motherhood alone or motherhood and work. Both are ok and one is not better than the other, it is a very personal choice and circumstantial to each individual's situation. As long as you choose what you feel is best, without any regrets. There is support out there for either choice, and both are powerful and heroic choices.
Motherhood is no walk in the park, and managing work can be quite intensive. For moms that choose to continue pursuing their professional working life, it is important to have conversations around available options that work for your needs. You want to work with a company that is open and flexible to supporting those options for women.
With all things in motherhood and managing a professional work life, it requires balance, tough decisions, planning, and support. It requires trusting your instinct and being proud of whatever decision you choose that is best for you.
A Big Thank You to Our Mailbird Mamas
As a company, Mailbird makes it a policy to put health and well-being first. This is a big part of what we believe in for the product but also for how we work. Mailbird makes it possible to compartmentalize work and find more time for play. These amazing members of our crew are a great example of this policy in action.
We truly appreciate the way these women advocate for positive change. Not only that, while they're busy growing little minds they are also teaching us along the way. A huge shout out to all the caretakers out there, we celebrate you!