Mailbird Blog
Why You Should Keep Emails Short
Why You Should Keep Emails Short

Why You Should Keep Emails Short

August 20, 2014
“Swipe Away” Your Email Troubles
“Swipe Away” Your Email Troubles
Mailbird FeaturesProductivity

“Swipe Away” Your Email Troubles

One of the really cool things we worked on during the last mega Mailbird hackathon included the super cool Mailbird Swipe Feature. Realizing that a lot of you may not have even been aware of this feature we thought it deserved special notice.

January 14, 2015
The only article you need to read about Productivity
The only article you need to read about Productivity

The only article you need to read about Productivity

Internet is scattered with articles about productivity so why should this be the last and the only one you should read? Because I'm going to try include every piece of advice, tips and tricks in one article so you can bookmark it and never have to go search…

June 16, 2015
How To Get Organized With Your Web Browsing
How To Get Organized With Your Web Browsing

How To Get Organized With Your Web Browsing

Real talk: I have thirteen tabs open right now on my Chrome browser. That probably disqualifies me in most people's minds as anyone who could offer assistance with organizing web habits for more efficient browsing. But, believe it or not, 13 tabs is quite…

April 19, 2016
7 Tips On How To Reduce Stress
7 Tips On How To Reduce Stress

7 Tips On How To Reduce Stress

Hold your arm out straight for a minute while holding a book, and it won't cause you too much distress. However, if you keep that arm held out for days, months, or even years, that distress will very quickly turn into pain, and that pain will soon become unbearable.

June 30, 2017
6 Steps to Writing Better B2B Emails
6 Steps to Writing Better B2B Emails

6 Steps to Writing Better B2B Emails

Did you know that approximately 51% of B2B marketers use emails as their primary marketing channel? This was revealed by a recent Marketing Technology Strategy Survey Summary Report. Although new channels have emerged over the years since emails were first…

November 29, 2018
7 Tools to Turbocharge Email & Work Efficiency in 2023
7 Tools to Turbocharge Email & Work Efficiency in 2023

7 Tools to Turbocharge Email & Work Efficiency in 2023

How many times have you found yourself under a pile of emails that take hours to sort through? How often do you struggle to quickly find an important message or forget to follow up after an event? How many newsletters do you receive every day that clog your…

February 26, 2020
Escape Email Overload with These Simple Tips
Escape Email Overload with These Simple Tips

Escape Email Overload with These Simple Tips

Every day, we face the same battle with email overload. Our "Procrastinator Me" and "Productivity Me" are fighting for our attention, then the guilt settles in as we stare at overflowing emails filling up our inbox throughout the day.

October 07, 2020
Infographic: Work Email Trends After Hours
Infographic: Work Email Trends After Hours

Infographic: Work Email Trends After Hours

ReachMail has surveyed a thousand Americans who use email for work to trace some of the email trends and see where we're heading with email use. So, in this post you'll find an infographic that highlights the survey's results.

October 27, 2020